Saturday, May 24, 2014

Seek inputs / basic materials

Seek inputs / basic materials and distribute it to the farmers plasma2 . Along with overseeing the management of the company 's core plasma farmers3 . Mengatministrasikan loan plasma farmers4 . Together with the company 's core oversee and manage the implementation of the production , harvesting and sale of products of fish / shrimp to the Nucleus5 . Catch and channel the aspiration of plasma fAgen Judi Onlinearmers to the company 's cored . Bank / Government
Based on the feasibility of cooperation Core Patterns - Plasma , expected Bank / Government can engage to provide credit to farmers, fish / shrimp , Cooperative and Nucleus , both investment credit and working capital loans . In an evaluation , in addition to observation of kelyakan technical aspects of fish farming / shrimp and financial feasibility must also ensure how the management of credit and other requirements necessary to be able to support the success of joint activities .
In practice, the Bank must be mengtur how farmers plasma unfreeze credit , use it for operational purposes and establish procedures to pay installments of principal and interest loan . To that end , the Bank may make cooperative agreements with the company 's core . Under the agreement Farmers / groups / cooperatives , the core company will cut the money from the sale of fish / shrimp from plasma as mutually agreed to be paid directly to the Bank . The amount of pieces tailored to the installment plan agreed at the time the credit agreement was made by the Plasma Farmers Bank / Government .8 . TECHNICAL ASPECTS
1 .Swimming rice field near a source of water and is easy to get clean water , free from pollution of industrial waste , agricultural medicines and others.2 . Transport facilities ( road
Taruhan Bola Online or river ) that is sufficient to facilitate the transport of the means of production ( feed , fry ) , crops etc.3 . Area Swimming paddy areas should be protected from floods , siltation , excess fresh water during the rainy seaso

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